Jun 30, 2013

Yums - Candied Mint Tea Recipe

It's summer and it's sweltering, so I was craving some delicious Southern Sweet Tea. I have an abundance of mint and I thought how refreshing candied mint tea would be. The bonus of making candied mint is that you can use it in so many different mixed drinks, like mojitos (my favorite) and simply by itself it's a great candy.  So here's my recipe:

It's pretty straightforward, no measuring really necessary for this. All you need is an egg white, about 1/2 cup sugar, and rinsed fresh mint leaves. Dip the leaves in the egg white, then coat it thoroughly in the sugar. Place on wax paper to dry for a few hours. Once firm and crunchy it's ready to eat. I put a few in my tea while it brewed and added additional sugar - we Southerners like it absurdly sweet.

 Hope you enjoy my little recipe, cheers!


Jun 28, 2013


Writing this post from my phone in bed as I am far too drowsy to hustle my way to the computer! 

My breast lumpectomy (or biopsy) went smoothly and now I'm just recovering. I am enjoying the rest and bounty of smoothies. My dear nurse, Ryan, is doting on every whim and I am definitely soaking it all in. 

Well that's all for now! Thank you to my family and friends for the well wishes. 

Jun 24, 2013

Just Thinking

Going through a lot of changes recently, and all I can keep reminding myself is not to be afraid. This Friday I am undergoing a biopsy in my left breast, and it's kind of scary. I've never had surgery of this caliber and I'm pretty nervous, but I have to trust. This also comes during a great (and scary) change in my life. After dating for nearly a year, I am moving in with my boyfriend, Ryan. And I have to thank "trust" for being able to dive in. I am so happy I've been able to meet such a wonderful man, who not only accepts me into his life but my son as well. And speaking of my son, this summer he is visiting my ex-husband's family in California for two months. That's so long! I miss him, but with all the changes going on it's been a blessing.

What things are you afraid of? What are the ways you are handling them?

Jun 18, 2013

Killer Finds

»––––> Adore these earrings - so delicate and natural

»––––>  Some of the cutest glasses - any drink would look cheerful

»––––> Love this blog - she's so colorful

»––––> Collect pyrex - the blue floral pattern just makes it 

Jun 17, 2013

Frock Yeah!

Love »–––> Time Warp Boutique, which has always been a summer shopping favorite of mine. This darling, dainty dress was plucked from their stock of 50's garments. They have a selection spanning the ages (sometimes down to the 1930's!) and great summertime sales. I chose this gorgeous number because I love the petal bust and small waist. It takes a helping hand to squeeze into this vintage goodie, but once it's on...it's ON!!

Jun 16, 2013

It's a Two-Fer

Today happens to not only be Father's Day, but my mom's birthday as well! Together they are some of the best parents (and grandparents) a gal could ask for, so I most assuredly had to brag about them on my updated blog!

My mama might as well be the most creatively driven lady around. She is who I get all my talents from, though she sticks to arts of the fabric variety - I remain bound to the visual world. She loves eating healthy and delivering babies into the world. She has somehow raised 5 (FIVE!) kids and been a major influence on her seven grandchildren, giving special attention to my little boy :)

My dad is so amazing. Like, it's as simple as that. He currently leads a hard battle against skin cancer and has been the most determined guy I've seen in my life. He is loving, doting, smart, and a master wordsmith. If my writing has any personality, it's him who I have to thank. He loves building projects and stubbornly works harder than he should. He has taught me the best work ethic, and I can only try to emulate him.