Sep 30, 2013


Slowly I will finish this house room by room, though I keep changing things every other day. The room I've felt was most accomplished is my son's room. I try not to spoil my kiddo, but c'mon who doesn't want to have their kid's face light up because there's a road map rug on the floor or a castle in the corner? I multipurpose a lot of things, like a side table turned into a chalkboard kid's table or a clipboard  turned into an art frame.

I repurposed an old Coke crate (the same one used in his newborn pictures) as a car garage. He loves putting them "to bed" at clean up time.
I painted this watercolor picture before he was born. I guessed his hair would be brown, not this blonde-red thing he has going on. I saw a print and I just had to recreate it.   

The quilt is made by my great-grandmother Peaches for my parents in 1975.  

And Doc says "Hello, welcome to my castle"

1 comment:

  1. Aw, thanks Dad! I'll update the info about the quilt. I love that it's so cheery and perfect for a kid's room.
